Support Center
Licensed users get first priority on any questions asked, as well as any feature requests submitted.
Of course, trial users also get the best support we can provide for them, we just give priority to those users who have demonstrated their commitment to our success.
Ticket Support System
Our online ticket support system is the best way to get help from our support team. It allows you to track and manage your support queries, as well as quickly viewing the full history of each case.
You should also use the ticket support system if you have a feature query, or think you've found a bug.
Email address that you enter here identifies you to the system, so if you want to see the history of your questions and our answers, you should enter the same email here every time you login to the system. We will not use this email address for spamming or advertising, it will be used only for sending replies to your questions.
Email our support department
In spite of the fact that we prefer communication through our ticket support system, you still may send a message to the following address: . Anyway, all emails to this address get logged in to our support database. Please ensure any email spam filtering software on your machine or at your service provider is configured to allow mail from and/or add [email protected] to your email contacts.